K translate

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sometimes Peace Is Better Than Being Right…Be Quiet, Be Silent!

One way to cultivate patience and achieve happiness is constant in pursuit of perseverance. We can stay happy, remove and eliminate suffering, provided we are able to engage in a practice which is in tune with the law of nature and in tune with how things actually exist. Oh No! This is seriously complex in term to understand and go through…
Simply, practice guide to being alive, being calm and happy rather being right always. Be you, be quiet, be silent…Peace out!
The phenomenal formula of happy living is the self-satisfaction. Human is social animal in nature. If he lives in isolation, he will eventually experience a lot of mental frustration, disturbances and distractions. No matter how strong or successful an individual is, we have to live as a human community. In the end, what it all counts is how happy and satisfied an individual is. Do what your mind tells you. Do what your heart guides you in. Learn your environment well and dwell in purity of mind. One way is choosing peace. Explore places where you find inner peace. Take yourself to a place, where you find the complete peace of mind. Take yourself to a deeper exploration rather than a brief account. Here is why…

Explore the unexplored, see the unseen. Go for close up view and deeper exploration. Sharing an exploration of Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery, to help you awaken!

This monastery was established by His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche who is embodied the wisdom, spirit and activities of the Holy Dharma, which has been passed down since the time of Shakyamuni Buddha.
His Eminence had previously built a monastery in Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha where he conducted the first three-year retreat based on the Hevajra Tantra. However, due to the extreme hot weather, it was not possible to continue in Lumbini. Thus, His Eminence looked for an appropriate place where the retreats could be continued. At the same time, a devout woman named Gomadevi of Boudhanath area offered her house and land for the use of His Holiness Sakya Trizin, who heads the Sakya Line of Tibetan Buddhism. His Holiness then transferred this offering to His Eminence for the construction of a monastery there.

His Eminence was somehow able to conduct the second three-year retreat in the old house standing on the land. Then in 1983, by the spiritual command of His Eminence, construction of the monastic building was officially started and completed in 1985. The main hall of the monastery has been dominated by a gigantic and artistically very beautiful statue of the Maitreya Buddha (Jampa).
His Eminence had expressed the following statement in relating to the making of this statue:
"The entire living beings of the present world have not been fortunate enough to meet the Lord Shakyamuni Buddha directly and Maitreya Buddha who is the Buddha of the future, I founded the statue of Maitreya Buddha in order to make an auspicious connection with Him so as to be fortunate enough to meet with Him when he appears in this world."

His Eminence invited His Holiness Sakya Trizin and his entourage to perform the consecration ceremony of the main statue and the monastery.

In 1987, His Eminence built a retreat center behind the monastery and the third three-year retreat took place in this center. This was possible through the kind contributions of the disciples from Singapore.

Due to the increasing number of monks and disciples, in 1996, His Eminence again founded monk's living-quarters, a small guesthouse and a staff cottage just behind the monastery. These were possible through the kind contributions of the disciples from Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. When the monastery was first open, there were 20-30 monks, and now 90-100 monks residing in the monastery.
His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche has bestowed many high-level teachings in this monastery including the Kalachakra Empowerment along with its teachings, Collection of Tantra and Lam-Dre teachings and empowerment.

Aim of the Monastery:
In general, the aim of the monastery is to preserve and highlight the Buddha's teachings. In particular its aim is to preserve the Sakya Tradition. Within the Sakya tradition there are three sub-sects: Ngor, Tsar and Dzong. This monastery belongs to the Tsarpa sub-sect. In Tibet there were many monasteries of the Tsarpa line but unfortunately in Nepal and India there are very few. The activity of preserving the special Pith Instruction tradition of this lineage is an important aspect of Sakyapa.

Daily Activities in Monastery:
Every morning all the monks perform Tara Puja in the main shrine hall. Every evening the Mahakala Puja is performed in the Mahakala shrine room. Every eight, fourteenth, twenty-third and twenty-ninth day of the lunar calendar all the monks perform the elaborate Mahakala Puja. Every tenth and twenty-fifth day of the lunar calendar all the monks perform the Vajrayogini Sindhura Ritual and Tsok offering with His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche in his personal assembly room in previously.
A Puja is a ceremony in which prayers are offered to the deities to draw their blessings or invoke their help. Pujas are performed to avert and clear obstacles, conditions which prevent us from achieving our worldly and spiritual goals.
Pujas are also performed for the dying, to help pacify their mind and for the deceased to bless and guide their mind to a higher state of rebirth and liberation.
The type of Puja performed depends on the type of affliction and the individual’s connection to the deity.

Tara the wisdom mother is the deity particular to activity. Tara benefits quickly the mind of those who pray to her. She manifests in twenty one different forms to benefit all beings, and to recite the Praises to the twenty-one Tara is considered to be immeasurably helpful in all adverse circumstances.
Green Tara Puja and twenty-one Tara Praise are most commonly performed to help avert and clear worldly and inner obstacles quickly.
Four-Mandala Offering to twenty-one Tara is performed to clear obstacles to health and wealth, and to attain worldly and ultimate benefit.

The purposes of these Pujas are to bring over happiness, harmonious and fruitful life to all sentient beings.

Monks Activities:
Older monks are always busy with their own practices and the performance of Pujas at the request of different devotees. They perform these Pujas both at the monastery and at the residence of the people who make the request. The young monks are always busy with their study. The main subject of study is the memorization of the ritual scriptures. They also have English and Nepali language lessons and Tibetan literature classes.
Source: http://bit.ly/2VAl1m8


Monastery Diary: Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery /Kexplore

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Making customers happy: An important key to business success

Scaling your business to success is pretty hard. It takes considerable effort, patience and sleepless nights. In the beginning, it’s an ocean of confusion and struggles. It means dealing with sales and marketing, strategies, understanding taxes and corporate compliance. It involves having to interact with customers on a daily basis and lots of possession around. Sure, it’s hard.
But knowing it to the real depth with passion, your efforts and hard work deserve a success to the next level. Your hard work and dedication help uplift your business to another level for sure. Like anything else in life or in business, you must have consistency in working pattern. Likewise, you have to put in the time with long-term focus. Build a sincere value and establish a brand. Often look over your customers to help them sort out their problems. Genuinely care your customers!
We almost go every day of our daily lives wondering about the keys to business success.
-         Create a webinar.
-         Consider a franchise model.
-         Research the competition.
-         Create a customer loyalty program.
-         Identify new opportunities.
-         Making Customers Happy
-         And so on…
Of all, making customers happy is in the frontline to business success. For what people say, “You are not born to please everyone”, is somewhat not pleasant idea in your business. Customer’s satisfaction is the utmost prior for long-term beneficiary in business. Your brand- product or services is what the customers share and express about in the competitive market. Ensuring that customers are happy with your business is only the way to business success. Not only dissatisfied customers are not likely to come back, they are also likely to spread bad words about your brand. This can create problem in your business, where huge mass of voices are against your brand. Unlike this, see the level of your brand, where everyone is happy with your product/ services, everyone is talking about your brand. This all comes with customer satisfaction, from the satisfied customers who are always your real customers. Satisfied customers, return to your business again and again. They might return, but it’s the ones that are truly happy with your company who truly are loyal to your brand.  Thus, customer happiness is more than one can put into words how much it aids up to your business.
Having said all about the customer satisfaction, it’s not a fact that customers are always right. Moreover, it’s doing what the customers want and meeting up their real needs. Sometimes when your service to customers is over exceeding expectations, then a line from being just satisfied to being truly happy is developed- that is where the customer loyalty come from.
 Some key ideas in making customers happy/ cultivating loyalty are discussed:


Manage expectation and take responsibility:

It’s always wise never to set over expectation to the customers. A customer with a pleasant surprise by an unexpected positive outcome is much happier than one who gets less than over expectations.
Taking responsibility in any of the issues is strong set of behavior in an organization. Feel proud to take responsibility for customer service. Never feel down to apologize with your customers no matter what comes. Even there is nothing wrong from your side, it’s always okay to say something like ‘’we are sorry for the incoveniences’’when you will need to apologize to a customer.


Communicate effectively:

Effective communication with your customers includes sharing of information, both taking and providing. Listen your customers well before you speak to them. What you say to customer matters, so it’s definitely important to choose your words correctly. Focus on customer focused language, e.g on product and services that meet their needs. Pay attention to their words to understand their perspectives, requirements and views.

Treat the Customer Like Royalty.

How consistently and how well you put your customers’ needs is everything that your business depends on. Set good experience to your customers. It’s scarier when your customers have a bad experience on your brand, it is spread all round media and friends to friends, finally everywhere. The best defense for bad experienced customer is a fast response to any of the queries and complaints atleast.

Customer Satisfaction, Happy Business, Key to Success!

- Kex

Friday, January 11, 2019

Pokhara: Window to wondrous

We go about our daily lives wondering about the heavenly places on planet. Have you ever had a bucket list of places that you’d love to explore with your loved ones? How does it feel like to tick off that list…? It’s undoubtedly the best feeling ever, yes! I did.

Travelling is no doubt a stupendous hobbie. Of course, insofar, exploring places and experiencing the new atmosphere is an exquisite move on the beautiful journey of life. It makes you feel a real traveller. It enthralls you to be a photographer. It teaches you to taste the little things that you normally fail appreciate. Travel is more fantastic when you are with your loved ones. Sometimes, you meet a person and you just click the moments with them. It helps create moment like memories you would always love to go back again and again. Being together in a beautiful place far away, it creates a comfort zone between you and your loved ones. You’re comfortable with them, like you’ve known them your whole life and you don’t have to pretend to be anyone or anything. It’s so far the greatest symphony in life. It adds up to have you feel life is beautiful. Exploration, Passion, Enthusiasm, Ecstasy and Lessons!

Of all the bucket list of places to visit on, there is no doubt; Pokhara is on everyones’ list when it comes about Nepal. Pokhara! A window to wondrous; A wonderland to the serene peace and calmness, A mirror to the Himalayas, A landmark to the adrenaline ventures- what about the longest and the steepest Zipline and Parahawking?

From a lengthy stroll in the chill quietude of the beautiful atmosphere to the adrenaline adventures, Pokhara offers a world of happiness to rejuvenate your soul. Discover the perfect blend of Adventure and Fun at Pokhara that were once your dream.

It’s a fantastic city to recharge your batteries with lots of lanes and alleys to get lost. Scaling heights to the adventure or just wondering with mountainscape, no matter how much time you spend in Pokhara, it does not suffice. Explore the unexplored part of Pokhara and see the unseen to see how time’s forever frozen, still here.

Let the winding turns of Pokhara lead you to the mystic Davis falls. Wander around some of the area’s prettiest and cool destination; visit The World Peace Pagoda in the SouthWest of City at an altitude of 1000 metres approxiamtely. You can enjoy the pristine panaromic view of the Himalayan peaks, as well as the beautiful Phewa Lake and Sarangkot Mountain from this Pagoda.

Split from the usual and fall in love with nature surrounding the Phewa and Begnas Lake. Waking up to a view, in a place of the picturesque lakes situated among the snow-clad mountains, surrounded by lush greenery is the first step to the break that you’ve been dreaming of. Play hide and seek with nature as you plan an outdoor moment at Lakeside or sail in beautiful brightly painted wooden boats on the Phew Lake with the backdrop of the enchanting majestic mountains in Pokhara.

Visit #CityOfLakes to witness the wonders from your dream, come to life.

Pokhara: Window to Wondrous!

Kexplore/Pokhara Diary