K translate

Monday, September 9, 2024

Dimensions of life Kexplore


Life is not just about cycle of change. Neither achieving a goal nor conquering the world. Life is all about what happens to you now when you are planning for tomorrow. It offers both ambiguities and offerings. It’s more like a beautiful journey that takes us to witness different dimensions. It’s about creating memories and cheering them later. You are truly successful in life when you have lived your childhood, cherished your youth and celebrate your elderly life to the fullest. You are fortunate if you brought out the best within you to make a difference for the peace and sustainability. The beauty of life lies in the way people around the globe grow and shine collectively. Life is a balance of its dimensions; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Life means combination of joys and sorrows, lows and highs, struggle and success with capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. Still, do you think, what is life?  Life is everything. Life is beautiful.

Life can be tough at times but it is up to us how we shape it. Its spectrum is beyond our imagination. This is what inspires us to think differently. Think of tiny an atom that makes up a cell, living creature to gigantic object, planets to Universe. Think Big! Bigger thoughts bring bigger achievement. Life is all about choices. You can either be the problem creator or the solution. you can either be a part of problem or part of solution. It’s your call. Think globally and act locally! Here, I come up sharing my experience that led me to wonder about life. I was in my early 20s, when I joined “SAHAS” project, volunteering one of the rural parts of Dhading district, Nepal under the collaboration of DCA-Nepal and Action-Nepal. We worked jointly with local communities to uplift the living standard of people under poverty. Those who barely could fulfil their basic needs. And if they did, they were the happy ones among others. We served Chepang, one of the indigenous tribes, who prefer living in forest. Having heard about their hardships I couldn’t fight back my tears. This encouraged my team to serve them with what we could. They were deprived of food let alone health, education and economy. Then and there I felt life is so unfair. Admittedly, I decided to contribute to bring a difference in their lives by hook or crook at any scale possible. We worked day and night alike with the determination to bring a change in the community. Within a short bracket of time, we held awareness programs for health and sanitation. We supplied educational materials to the deprived children at school, helped them learn sustainable goals and run eco-friendly activities. Similarly, we helped renovate school, planted trees, provided community with basic needs and tools, also taught them how to sustain. What an experience! I fall short of words to pour it all in papers. I met life there. I extend my sincere gratitude to the entire team to make me realize the purpose of life.

Nevertheless, real change start from you.  Be the change that you want to see. Find your purposes in life in a way to bring changes in people and atmosphere around you. Do things that bring you utmost joy. It can be dwelling into human nature, inclusive; expanding boundary including your own life and others life under this sky. Everybody is here for a limited time. We must utilize it to bring out the best. At the end of the day, we see what made us happy and proud about ourself.  Organize your thoughts, dream big and strive to achieve your goal. Struggle, fall, rise and learn. It’s fun! Explore possibilities and opportunities to the full potent. Connect with people, nature, everything. Walk on path of peace, prosperous, happy and healthy environment. Care your mother Earth and go for sustainable goals. Set a glorious journey where you can uplift the human kind with the charisma you have within. Let us all unite in making our planet a better place to live in. An open invitation to all the youngster, policy makers and expertise!


Thursday, March 23, 2023

World Water Day 018- Nature for Water


An annual event celebrated globally on 22 nd March is the World Water Day focused on the

importance of water. The day is remarkable in dragging attention on the importance of Universal

access to the clean water, sanitation and hygiene facilities. The theme for the World Water Day

018 is “Nature for Water”- exploring nature-based solutions to the water challenges of the 21 st

century. The theme for this year explores nature –based solutions to the existing water related

problems we are facing at the time. These Solutions could overcome the challenges and reduce

the hazards like floods, droughts, water pollution and others ultimately protecting eco-system

and enhancing the water availability and sustainability with special attention on carrying capacity

of the Earth. These solutions could be anything to rebalance the water cycle and improve the

livings on the planet with set of examples like restoring wetlands, green roofs and infrastructures,

afforestation, nexus between rivers and floodplains etc. This clearly indicates, nature is so

immensely perfect and well-functioning that “Answer is in nature”.

A transparent, tasteless, odorless and nearly colorless chemical substance i.e. H 2 O, water is the

main constituent of the Earth’s water bodies and fluids of the most living organisms. Today

many scientists are propagating the doctrine that life originates from matter, of course water, the

most significant universal solvent essence for every living beings and natural phenomena; natural


Although knowing the unaccountable significances and life support functionality of water, we

are just 25 years old on remarking this significant day. The first World Water Day, designated by

United Nations was commemorated in 1993.With then 25 years of World Water Days, various

organizations, committees and people worldwide, including all UN member states observe this

day highlighting the importance of freshwater. The focus on universal access to clean water,

sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is in line with the targets of Sustainable Development Goal-6.

With higher prior to mark this important World Water Day, the Small Earth Nepal (SEN) adds a

brick on wall of sustainability and water concern. A week-long marking of the events is well set

under Tenth Nepal National Water & Weather Week (NNWWW-018). It’s a national level

nationwide event providing a common platform to all the nature enthusiasts, expert panel,

scientists and learner to collaborate for a vibrant in the concern matter of water and


The opening ceremony of the 10 th NNWWW-018 was successfully held in the Department of

Irrigation, Jawalakhel, inaugurated by the chief guest, Honorable Minister, Mr. Lal Babu Pandit,

Ministry of Federal Affairs & General Administration. He shed light upon the theme Nature For

Water and Weather Ready, Climate Smart in the context of Nepal. With the grand opening

ceremony, a successive event, Walk for Water was held at Patan Durbar Square. It was an

initiative taken by Water Aid Nepal to trigger the water related problems in the rural zone of

Nepal. Over 50 participants from the public showed interest in main motive of the event,

highlighting difficulties in water fetching from the sources. It had been a wonderful sight at

Durbar Square where the event was so mesmerizingly dragging everyone’s attention over.

Walk for a change-walk for water, is another highlighting event of the grand week. Walking

along the magical whispers of cold trees and observing the sources of water, the environmental

enthusiasts and avid hikers attended a day hike to Dhaap- a wetland in Chisapani, Shivapuri

Nagarjung National Park. Upon arrival at destination, a brief discussion was carried out in

relevance to the theme “Nature for Water” facilitated by Mr. Kabiraj Khatiwada and Mr.Nammy

Hang Kirat.

Opposed to J.R.R Tolkien, “Not all those who wander are lost”, we were so enigmatically lost in

the forest wilderness. This simultaneously turns out to be the most adventurous part of entire

hike, despite fact of pitty situation of wetland; one could easily notice in contrast to the earlier

scenario. Located in the headwater of Nagmati River near Chisapani at an altitude of 2,089 m

above main sea level, Dhaap once used to be a fascination sight with huge water volume and

various floral species. But then, the wetland now is all left with shallow level of muddy water

and less floral species. A grand project of dam construction in the area is letting this all

happening with the clearance of large mass of trees and rapid constructions of dam with excesive

minerals and soil extractions. The image possibly to the best of serene beauty now, most

probably would have been faded away in comparison to one few years back. We could do

nothing in the alarming symphony of destruction, besides hoping for the best once the project is

done. We hope very optimistically that the wetland would be restored back with intense volume

of water and aquatic species within along the various floral species in the area after the

construction is accomplished. Hereby, we would like to drag everyone’s attention over with

regards to the water conservation and sustainability.

One planet,

Hundreds of nations,

And billions of people within.

Together let’s make a change.

Stand for sustainability.

Stand for the best use of resources.

Explore nature-based solutions to water.

Nature for Water.

- Kshitiz Kandel (kexploreland)

If every mountain had a village...

 Introducing Ghorepani, a mountain village in Myagdi District in the Dhaulagiri Zone of northern-central Nepal, which is an ultimate vision of heaven on Earth. Moreover, this scenic landscape comprises an exquisite mountain range which has its very own story. The range exhibits the best views of Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, Himchuli, Machhapuchre and other neighboring peaks. Unfortunately, even this pristine environment is deeply disturbed by the growing pressure of climate change, global warming and anthropogenic impacts. Nevertheless, local inhabitants, Gurungs and Magar are fighting at their best in protecting and continuing their conservation conducts in this eco-fragile section of Hindu-Kush region. It is quite influential to see how familiar these people are with their land, stream, rivulets, wildlife, forest, culture and tradition. Adding up, these villagers patrol the village to spot illegal deeds, and manage rubbish to keep the land and mountains clean. Having grown up in the highland village, they are specifically proud of their mountains that surround all of them. Thanks to this mountain community which help protect forest, wildlife, fragile eco-system and adopt to climate change vulnerability. Thanks to their dedication and endless efforts in eco-system restoration of this tough mountain terrain. Thanks for passing the conservation and restoration legacy to younger generation in solving the environmental problems of today and tomorrow. What a village it is. If every mountain had a village that was trying to protect it, we wouldn't have environmental problems we have today. If every mountain had a village...




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Canon EOS 700D
Settings: Aperture f/9 ISO 100 Shutter 1/250 Focal Length 23/1

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Dimensions of life


Life, it’s not only about change in structure from one phase to another. Neither reaching one particular goal, destiny nor conquering the world. There are not only numerous ambiguities but also offerings, lows and highs at the same times. So, what does life mean? Well, in simple word, life is a beautiful journey with different dimensions, all about creating moments, enjoying, constantly striving to be better and caring for mother Earth. The powerful impact is spreading this real message to others day by day from person to person and community to community. This is at what point, you are successful in life, if you can learn from your childhood, cherish your youth and envy old stages. You are successful, if you can ignite your everyday creativity, harness your energy to bring about some positive changes in the society and promote a culture of peace and sustainable development. This is the beauty of life, how you grow and shine together, enjoying nature. Life is beautiful!

Life can be tough at times but it is up to us, how we come out of it. It has a massive spectrum beyond our imagination, so think beyond a box. Think of tiny atom to cell, living creature to gigantic object, planet Earth and Universe. Think Big. Big thinking proceeds bigger achievement. Life is all about choice of yourselves, you can either be a part of problem or part of solution. It’s up to you. Think globally and act locally! Here, I come up sharing my experience that made me think about the meaning of life. I was in my early 20s, when I joined “SAHAS” project, volunteering one of the rural parts of Dhading district, Nepal under the collaboration of DCA-Nepal and Action-Nepal. We worked together with local community in uplifting the living standard of people under poverty, who were the happiest ones even to fulfill their basic needs. We served “Chepang’’ people, one of the indigenous tribes, who prefer living in forest. Getting to know about their livelihood, I literally cried inside, faked smile outside to encourage myself and the team to serve the community. They were deprived from every basic need, no quality food, no clothes, no shelter…forget about the health, education and economy. At this point, I uttered, ’Life is so unfair”. Instantly, I decided for the real change at any cost at any scale possible. We worked day and night with the dream of changing the face of that community. Within short tenure, we raised awareness programs for health and sanitation, we supplied educational materials to the deprived children at school, helped them learn sustainable goals and run eco-friendly activities, we helped renovate school, planted trees, provided community with basic needs and tools, also taught them run the legacy. What a feeling it was, I can’t just put into words. I felt that was real meaning of life. Life must have some beautiful purposes and creative actions beyond circumstances. Sincere gratitude to the entire team in making me realize the purpose of life.

So, real change start within yourself. Be the change that you want to see. Build up your real purposes in life in a way to bring about changes in people and atmosphere around you. Do things that help you cherish and invigorate your own life and all life on Earth. It can be dwelling into human nature, inclusive; expanding boundary including your own life and others life on planet. Cherish your life and envy others. We all have a limited amount of time and energy so we should make the most of it and strive to be a joyful and loving person. At the end all it matters is that how vibrant and joyful our lives were. Organize your mind and thoughts. Dream big and achieve your goals. Struggle, fall, rise and learn. Explore possibilities and opportunities to the full potent. Connect to the society and the elements of nature. Walk on path of peace, prosperous, happy and healthy environment. Care your mother Earth and go for sustainable goals. Set a glorious journey where you can uplift the human kind with youth, charisma you have within. Let us all unite in making our home planet a better place to live in. An open invitation to all the youngster, policy makers and expertise!


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Covid-19 and Climate change: Lessons to rise parallel!

What is a coronavirus disease or COVID-19? Is there a vaccine, drug, or treatment for COVID-19? How is it impacting the Global System? And more…Hundreds of queries are veering from person to person from a region to another around the globe lately. Every day we account COVID-19, each and every minute detail; total infection, fatalities, recovery, fatality rate, recovery rate, and more. The COVID-19 pandemic threatens the prosperity and integrity of the global community and economy. The decades of development and sustainability are on the verge of collapse in days or months. Not only do we talk and analyze the future consequences, we predict the unpredictability as well. Oh, wow! What a concern! This is simply amazing.
Nevertheless, have we ever considered about the pandemic that humans have spread into mother nature? Have we ever spent a single moment accounting the consequences of global Climate change? A fun fact! Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and mankind…about 140 thousand years. If we condense the Earth’s life span into 24 hours, one full day, then we have been here on this planet for 3 seconds. In just 3 seconds, look at what we have done to our world. We’ve created nuclear war fear, smog pollution, carbon emission, forest clearance. We’ve increased the extinction of our endangered flora and fauna by 1000 times the average rate. Species that have been here longer than us will be gone because of us. The earth system that was running in a stunningly balanced way will be devastated because of us, in this 3 second. So, it’s high time we realize before it’s too late to think about Climate change. It is up to us to care for this planet, which is our only home. We must learn lessons from these crises. We need to rise parallel to COVID-19 and Climate change. COVID-19 makes us realize that forced actions are capable of justice to the Environment. Climate actions are possible in time. Ecologically, decades of environmental pollution and hazards are about to be controlled in this small-time scale. It is just within few months of lockdown around the globe, planet Earth seems healing. Mountains and horizon are seen crystal clear from distant never seen before. Rare and endangered wild flora and fauna are recorded to thrive. The ozone layer is historically recorded healing, in which billions of dollars and projects could possibly not succeed. People have seen vivid clear blue sky and night aurora. Many have enjoyed usually clear skies and fresh air.  Isn’t this quite surprising? Could we call this justice to the system? How appropriate is it to rename this as a climate action? Well, what so ever, it’s calls of urgency to rise from these crises together. We must rise to both emergencies in parallel.
The novel human coronavirus disease, COVID-19, has become the fifth documented pandemic since the 1918 flu pandemic. The global community is fighting the best possible against the pandemic at present. UNbodies are bringing scientists, experts, and policymakers addressing the COVID-19 crisis around the world.WHO is connecting the global health professionals and researchers to contain the virus. Global leaders are struggling with the responsibilities they need to offer their country. The world now has two challenges to tackle together, we have two equally significant responsibilities. First, contain the recent virus and prevent it from happening again. Second, comes with an action on climate change. The Covid-19 pandemic is an immediate case in point for now. We need to save lives now while also save our planet at the same time. The first point is more pressing, but the second has significant long-term consequences. That’s the reason why it is essential to emphasize the interconnectivity between COVID-19 and climate change. Reports have shown that disasters from the impacts of climate change can exacerbate the COVID-19 crisis. Cyclone Harold, in the Pacific continent, forced the struggling public system to reopen its border pressing from the COVID-19 disasters. Likewise, damages and loss of lives in the Solomon Islands, such as Vanuatu and Fiji, are unprecedented. The Guardian reports, ”A new record set so soon after the previous record of 17.5C in March 2015 is significant warming in Antarctica is happening much faster than global average”.
Similarly, Earth’s warming trend continued in 2019, making it the second-hottest year in NOAA’s 140-year climate record just behind 2016. The World Meteorological Organization in The State of the Global Climate in 2019 Report confirms that the modern world has surpassed 1.1°C of global warming. It is above the pre-industrial level, and weather extremes, severe cyclones, and storms will be the new norm in this entire decade. Without urgent action, we will likely reach the 1.5°C threshold as early as 2030. Additionally, there are a series of disasters and hazards that are induced because of climate change. Loss of snow mass, sea-level rise, more intense heat waves, more frequent wildfires, more extended periods of drought, extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations, and habitat! On a bright note, Climate change exacerbates the COVID-19 crisis! How long, how far? So, it is a global urge to collaborate and prevent COVID-19 and climate change at the same time.
On the one hand, the world needs to accelerate work on treatment and vaccines for COVID-19. Climate actions need to be implemented vigorously, on the other side. These are the real-time actions that help contribute to the solutions we need.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the climate change crises are interconnected and cross-cutting – both require a comprehensive and systematic approach. There are certain things impacted by the disaster. But this is not time we lag behind because of this A-Once-in-a-Century-Pandemic. We must respond to it firmly and fight back sustainably. We need to realize that taking care of our Earth system is itself effective prevention against the crises. The climate change-induced disaster is a crucial reminder that notwithstanding the threats and impacts of COVID-19, climate change remains the biggest threat to humanity. So, let’s take this as an opportunity to consider the climate-smart response and recovery measures. This is a chance for nations to plan better and to shape 21st-century environments and societies in ways that are healthy, clean, safe, and more resilient. As we continue the fight against COVID-19 and climate change, we must review and strengthen our policies. We must address both of the crises actively and equally with urgent attention. We must act right now and make a commitment to building back climate-smart societies and economies. We must consider the carrying capacity of the Earth. We must make sure that vulnerable regions will not suffer from the ‘tragedy of the commons.’ We must strengthen the resilience of our home planet, our neighborhoods, and people. We must come out of these crises stronger. Let’s join our hands against the global pandemic to make this planet for all of us to live on. We will!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sometimes Peace Is Better Than Being Right…Be Quiet, Be Silent!

One way to cultivate patience and achieve happiness is constant in pursuit of perseverance. We can stay happy, remove and eliminate suffering, provided we are able to engage in a practice which is in tune with the law of nature and in tune with how things actually exist. Oh No! This is seriously complex in term to understand and go through…
Simply, practice guide to being alive, being calm and happy rather being right always. Be you, be quiet, be silent…Peace out!
The phenomenal formula of happy living is the self-satisfaction. Human is social animal in nature. If he lives in isolation, he will eventually experience a lot of mental frustration, disturbances and distractions. No matter how strong or successful an individual is, we have to live as a human community. In the end, what it all counts is how happy and satisfied an individual is. Do what your mind tells you. Do what your heart guides you in. Learn your environment well and dwell in purity of mind. One way is choosing peace. Explore places where you find inner peace. Take yourself to a place, where you find the complete peace of mind. Take yourself to a deeper exploration rather than a brief account. Here is why…

Explore the unexplored, see the unseen. Go for close up view and deeper exploration. Sharing an exploration of Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery, to help you awaken!

This monastery was established by His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche who is embodied the wisdom, spirit and activities of the Holy Dharma, which has been passed down since the time of Shakyamuni Buddha.
His Eminence had previously built a monastery in Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha where he conducted the first three-year retreat based on the Hevajra Tantra. However, due to the extreme hot weather, it was not possible to continue in Lumbini. Thus, His Eminence looked for an appropriate place where the retreats could be continued. At the same time, a devout woman named Gomadevi of Boudhanath area offered her house and land for the use of His Holiness Sakya Trizin, who heads the Sakya Line of Tibetan Buddhism. His Holiness then transferred this offering to His Eminence for the construction of a monastery there.

His Eminence was somehow able to conduct the second three-year retreat in the old house standing on the land. Then in 1983, by the spiritual command of His Eminence, construction of the monastic building was officially started and completed in 1985. The main hall of the monastery has been dominated by a gigantic and artistically very beautiful statue of the Maitreya Buddha (Jampa).
His Eminence had expressed the following statement in relating to the making of this statue:
"The entire living beings of the present world have not been fortunate enough to meet the Lord Shakyamuni Buddha directly and Maitreya Buddha who is the Buddha of the future, I founded the statue of Maitreya Buddha in order to make an auspicious connection with Him so as to be fortunate enough to meet with Him when he appears in this world."

His Eminence invited His Holiness Sakya Trizin and his entourage to perform the consecration ceremony of the main statue and the monastery.

In 1987, His Eminence built a retreat center behind the monastery and the third three-year retreat took place in this center. This was possible through the kind contributions of the disciples from Singapore.

Due to the increasing number of monks and disciples, in 1996, His Eminence again founded monk's living-quarters, a small guesthouse and a staff cottage just behind the monastery. These were possible through the kind contributions of the disciples from Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. When the monastery was first open, there were 20-30 monks, and now 90-100 monks residing in the monastery.
His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche has bestowed many high-level teachings in this monastery including the Kalachakra Empowerment along with its teachings, Collection of Tantra and Lam-Dre teachings and empowerment.

Aim of the Monastery:
In general, the aim of the monastery is to preserve and highlight the Buddha's teachings. In particular its aim is to preserve the Sakya Tradition. Within the Sakya tradition there are three sub-sects: Ngor, Tsar and Dzong. This monastery belongs to the Tsarpa sub-sect. In Tibet there were many monasteries of the Tsarpa line but unfortunately in Nepal and India there are very few. The activity of preserving the special Pith Instruction tradition of this lineage is an important aspect of Sakyapa.

Daily Activities in Monastery:
Every morning all the monks perform Tara Puja in the main shrine hall. Every evening the Mahakala Puja is performed in the Mahakala shrine room. Every eight, fourteenth, twenty-third and twenty-ninth day of the lunar calendar all the monks perform the elaborate Mahakala Puja. Every tenth and twenty-fifth day of the lunar calendar all the monks perform the Vajrayogini Sindhura Ritual and Tsok offering with His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche in his personal assembly room in previously.
A Puja is a ceremony in which prayers are offered to the deities to draw their blessings or invoke their help. Pujas are performed to avert and clear obstacles, conditions which prevent us from achieving our worldly and spiritual goals.
Pujas are also performed for the dying, to help pacify their mind and for the deceased to bless and guide their mind to a higher state of rebirth and liberation.
The type of Puja performed depends on the type of affliction and the individual’s connection to the deity.

Tara the wisdom mother is the deity particular to activity. Tara benefits quickly the mind of those who pray to her. She manifests in twenty one different forms to benefit all beings, and to recite the Praises to the twenty-one Tara is considered to be immeasurably helpful in all adverse circumstances.
Green Tara Puja and twenty-one Tara Praise are most commonly performed to help avert and clear worldly and inner obstacles quickly.
Four-Mandala Offering to twenty-one Tara is performed to clear obstacles to health and wealth, and to attain worldly and ultimate benefit.

The purposes of these Pujas are to bring over happiness, harmonious and fruitful life to all sentient beings.

Monks Activities:
Older monks are always busy with their own practices and the performance of Pujas at the request of different devotees. They perform these Pujas both at the monastery and at the residence of the people who make the request. The young monks are always busy with their study. The main subject of study is the memorization of the ritual scriptures. They also have English and Nepali language lessons and Tibetan literature classes.
Source: http://bit.ly/2VAl1m8


Monastery Diary: Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery /Kexplore

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Making customers happy: An important key to business success

Scaling your business to success is pretty hard. It takes considerable effort, patience and sleepless nights. In the beginning, it’s an ocean of confusion and struggles. It means dealing with sales and marketing, strategies, understanding taxes and corporate compliance. It involves having to interact with customers on a daily basis and lots of possession around. Sure, it’s hard.
But knowing it to the real depth with passion, your efforts and hard work deserve a success to the next level. Your hard work and dedication help uplift your business to another level for sure. Like anything else in life or in business, you must have consistency in working pattern. Likewise, you have to put in the time with long-term focus. Build a sincere value and establish a brand. Often look over your customers to help them sort out their problems. Genuinely care your customers!
We almost go every day of our daily lives wondering about the keys to business success.
-         Create a webinar.
-         Consider a franchise model.
-         Research the competition.
-         Create a customer loyalty program.
-         Identify new opportunities.
-         Making Customers Happy
-         And so on…
Of all, making customers happy is in the frontline to business success. For what people say, “You are not born to please everyone”, is somewhat not pleasant idea in your business. Customer’s satisfaction is the utmost prior for long-term beneficiary in business. Your brand- product or services is what the customers share and express about in the competitive market. Ensuring that customers are happy with your business is only the way to business success. Not only dissatisfied customers are not likely to come back, they are also likely to spread bad words about your brand. This can create problem in your business, where huge mass of voices are against your brand. Unlike this, see the level of your brand, where everyone is happy with your product/ services, everyone is talking about your brand. This all comes with customer satisfaction, from the satisfied customers who are always your real customers. Satisfied customers, return to your business again and again. They might return, but it’s the ones that are truly happy with your company who truly are loyal to your brand.  Thus, customer happiness is more than one can put into words how much it aids up to your business.
Having said all about the customer satisfaction, it’s not a fact that customers are always right. Moreover, it’s doing what the customers want and meeting up their real needs. Sometimes when your service to customers is over exceeding expectations, then a line from being just satisfied to being truly happy is developed- that is where the customer loyalty come from.
 Some key ideas in making customers happy/ cultivating loyalty are discussed:


Manage expectation and take responsibility:

It’s always wise never to set over expectation to the customers. A customer with a pleasant surprise by an unexpected positive outcome is much happier than one who gets less than over expectations.
Taking responsibility in any of the issues is strong set of behavior in an organization. Feel proud to take responsibility for customer service. Never feel down to apologize with your customers no matter what comes. Even there is nothing wrong from your side, it’s always okay to say something like ‘’we are sorry for the incoveniences’’when you will need to apologize to a customer.


Communicate effectively:

Effective communication with your customers includes sharing of information, both taking and providing. Listen your customers well before you speak to them. What you say to customer matters, so it’s definitely important to choose your words correctly. Focus on customer focused language, e.g on product and services that meet their needs. Pay attention to their words to understand their perspectives, requirements and views.

Treat the Customer Like Royalty.

How consistently and how well you put your customers’ needs is everything that your business depends on. Set good experience to your customers. It’s scarier when your customers have a bad experience on your brand, it is spread all round media and friends to friends, finally everywhere. The best defense for bad experienced customer is a fast response to any of the queries and complaints atleast.

Customer Satisfaction, Happy Business, Key to Success!

- Kex