K translate

Monday, September 9, 2024

Dimensions of life Kexplore


Life is not just about cycle of change. Neither achieving a goal nor conquering the world. Life is all about what happens to you now when you are planning for tomorrow. It offers both ambiguities and offerings. It’s more like a beautiful journey that takes us to witness different dimensions. It’s about creating memories and cheering them later. You are truly successful in life when you have lived your childhood, cherished your youth and celebrate your elderly life to the fullest. You are fortunate if you brought out the best within you to make a difference for the peace and sustainability. The beauty of life lies in the way people around the globe grow and shine collectively. Life is a balance of its dimensions; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Life means combination of joys and sorrows, lows and highs, struggle and success with capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. Still, do you think, what is life?  Life is everything. Life is beautiful.

Life can be tough at times but it is up to us how we shape it. Its spectrum is beyond our imagination. This is what inspires us to think differently. Think of tiny an atom that makes up a cell, living creature to gigantic object, planets to Universe. Think Big! Bigger thoughts bring bigger achievement. Life is all about choices. You can either be the problem creator or the solution. you can either be a part of problem or part of solution. It’s your call. Think globally and act locally! Here, I come up sharing my experience that led me to wonder about life. I was in my early 20s, when I joined “SAHAS” project, volunteering one of the rural parts of Dhading district, Nepal under the collaboration of DCA-Nepal and Action-Nepal. We worked jointly with local communities to uplift the living standard of people under poverty. Those who barely could fulfil their basic needs. And if they did, they were the happy ones among others. We served Chepang, one of the indigenous tribes, who prefer living in forest. Having heard about their hardships I couldn’t fight back my tears. This encouraged my team to serve them with what we could. They were deprived of food let alone health, education and economy. Then and there I felt life is so unfair. Admittedly, I decided to contribute to bring a difference in their lives by hook or crook at any scale possible. We worked day and night alike with the determination to bring a change in the community. Within a short bracket of time, we held awareness programs for health and sanitation. We supplied educational materials to the deprived children at school, helped them learn sustainable goals and run eco-friendly activities. Similarly, we helped renovate school, planted trees, provided community with basic needs and tools, also taught them how to sustain. What an experience! I fall short of words to pour it all in papers. I met life there. I extend my sincere gratitude to the entire team to make me realize the purpose of life.

Nevertheless, real change start from you.  Be the change that you want to see. Find your purposes in life in a way to bring changes in people and atmosphere around you. Do things that bring you utmost joy. It can be dwelling into human nature, inclusive; expanding boundary including your own life and others life under this sky. Everybody is here for a limited time. We must utilize it to bring out the best. At the end of the day, we see what made us happy and proud about ourself.  Organize your thoughts, dream big and strive to achieve your goal. Struggle, fall, rise and learn. It’s fun! Explore possibilities and opportunities to the full potent. Connect with people, nature, everything. Walk on path of peace, prosperous, happy and healthy environment. Care your mother Earth and go for sustainable goals. Set a glorious journey where you can uplift the human kind with the charisma you have within. Let us all unite in making our planet a better place to live in. An open invitation to all the youngster, policy makers and expertise!


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