K translate

Friday, December 22, 2017

The story of my life...

Baby, I’m dancing in the dark
With you between my arms...
Bare foot on grass, listening
To our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath
But heard it, Darling
You look perfect tonight.

Perfect, one of the strikingly alive playlist from Ed Sheeran, was playing silently on my classic iPod as background music that itself became the Cupid and Psyche’s story built within my own. I was veering from one emotion to another thinking about the holy grail of my life… I had been through, was going and to be gone. All of sudden, the favorite song of us now, then reminds me of you, the dearest one, who once used to be mine. You, my dear, are kind of like the background music of my life. But then, the background music is changing .Being used less and very less of it these days.
Stopping by the thoughts of you, as complex as stopping by woods on a snowy evening to where the rainbow ends, I then lean into the wall of weirdness. The weirdness with the stories of our own we encrypted. The dreamland, Disney world, the part of us happily lived ever, our own world, just ours…we were building castle in air. Nevertheless, that was indeed in our mind, the engine of our body, where I let you drive freely in a state of free mind. Back to the time, she was a good driver. But then, she is now the best one. Her drive now makes me feel “This is the last day of my life”.

I thought love was a stupid game. But a very dashing erudite kind of girl came. She came. It was then beautiful poem, she became a poet. She did love someone. And she became the same one. That someone is me, the poor guy who ever waited to give her a lot of him, waited ever to lie beside her and watch the sun comes up, play the favorite song with barefoot on grass and lots of moments to be created like memories one can always go back to.
It was a complete incompleteness to introduce her ordinarily, as she appeared at this plot of the story. She was truly an angel, an angel for her watery blue eyes sensitively with brown in the middle and dark hair falling into them, pale features obscured by curls that danced in an ocean breeze. she blinked as my eyes adjusted to her with a romantic gesture. she was an angel that I barely can put into words, more than the most beautiful one what the great novelists ever describe the word "beautiful". Her gaze is charming. Eyes sparkle like gemstone, precious and beautiful.She is stunningly so perfect as if genetically engineered with a clasic demeanor.

The world of love seems to make you happier than you’ve ever been, sadder than you’ve ever been, angrier that you’ve ever been. It can at once elate and deflate you for same time. It’s hard to put into words, it’s confusing. I’m confused and you are the architect of my confusion.But you, too, shall be free from this delusion, this world of sense, this law of change but still the world of poker face.

“The best and most beautiful thing in the worlds cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with heart”-Helen keller   
Still, I’m confused…
You hijacked my will,
And left me alone to suffer

I’m confused…
I was just so chivalrous to have you,
Still you very magically flout my consensus,
And scorn my romantic advances

I’m confused…
I made you the linchpin of the trust and extol thee,
Still, you conjured up the humor
And scotch my faith

I’m confused…
I was catastrophically in love with you,
Still, you eroded my spirits beyond colossal debacle

I’m confused…
Are you a belabor coded? Type of gal??
I’m confused,
And you are the architect of my confusion.

No matter what happened, what situation I had gone through, all I believe is that it was destined so this way to be. Everything happens, happens for a reason and happens for the best. I’m inured very much to this; just let things go on their own. All I want is you to stay happy and wish nothing ever was regret.
We haven’t talk to each other in while, but I want you to know that…I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. Millions of thoughts over my mind, proceeding to and fro, disappearing and reappearing again and again. And… I want you to know that, I miss you. Not, a regret what happened. Or, I want to see you again. Just…I miss you.
It’s so strange for your words, you told me…,

“I assumed you be my ocean,
And I swam across, all over.”

For this, it’s so strange. It’s so strange to think that someone I knew so well, now a total stranger to me. Now, loneliness has always been a friend of mine, that sometime I go entire days without thinking about you. Most of time, I let myself forget. Because, it’s easier all this way.
But then…something that very first reflects in one’s mind captivates me within. I find something…a photo, a gift, the stupid love notes we used to share and total of all, the full weight of what have been the last crushes down on me. Into an illusion, then a part of me wants to see you again, to hold you again, and to kiss you again. How am I supposed to live without you all this way? 
But…all of these feelings become empty thoughts. When I look back now, remembering love isn’t always what it seems. It’s just so easy to forget. Just let it go. But, this isn’t regret. We’ve reasons for ending up this; and most importantly, they are as valid as ever.This is all about learning something new, weird though, to learn something new is timeless pleasure and a valuable reassure.
You are always my tomorrow,
And I am your yesterday.
 This is the story of my life. The story of my life is so humorous, hilarious, deliberately evasive, gorgeous and possibly so enigmatic. It’s an anecdote, a secret account of incidents encrypted so paradoxically.

My story…,
I began with an end,
For a happy ending,
Much as most of stories ends sadly.
What an infortune,
The story had a sad beginning,
Ended up sadly.

The story of my life…
-Kshitiz Kandel

The end…

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